#021 Ft. Dr. Jo Newton: Club Leader, AFR Top 100 Women of Influence, Chair of Youth Voices Leadership Team & Enactus Alumni
Our next guest is Dr. Jo Newton, a 2018 Australian Financial Review Top 100 Woman of Influence & Chair of Youth Voices Leadership Team. Growing up in Melbourne, Jo was told at 16-years old that she was “too smart to study agriculture” before moving to regional New South Wales to enrol in a Bachelor of Rural Sciences at the University of New England.
While an undergraduate, Jo stepped up to be the 2nd year representative of the rural science undergraduate society in 2009, the Treasurer in 2010 & join SIFE (now renamed to Enactus) from 2010-2015.
Jo would ultimately go on to receive the University Medal & complete her PhD in Quantitative Genetics in Armidale at UNE.
In this episode, I’m speaking with Jo about her experiences in club leadership roles as an undergraduate, what she learned about leadership & entrepreneurship, & discuss the impact she’s made to date.
Top quotes from this episode:
Saying thank you isn't enough for the opportunities you can have as a young person.
In Australia less than 1 in 3 leadership positions are held by women. In agriculture its less than 1 in 7 leadership positions held by women.
I got real world project management experience hosting an event for 300 people & bringing 20 companies to Armidale. These practical real-world skills help you stand out when you’re looking for a grad job.
We’re a group of students. We’ve discovered that we don’t really know what we’re going to be next year & we’d like to change that. This is what we’re going to do.
I said yes to any opportunity to get up in front of people. The nerves are still there & now I see them as a good thing. A colleague said, “The butterflies are a good thing, because it means I care & if I ever get up in front of people to speak & I don’t have that’s when I’ll worry because it means I’ve stopped caring.”
If you equip a whole team & bring the whole team on the journey you are paying it forward by giving other young people access to opportunity & they pay it forward again & you have this amazing ripple effect.
University of New England article:
Victorian Young Leaders article:
UNE’s Young Distinguished Alumni Award Acceptance Speech:
Susan Cain’s TED Talk:
Brené Brown’s TED Talk & Podcast with Tim Ferriss:
Megumi Miki Quietly Powerful:
The Archibull Prize:
Learn about Enactus Australia:
Connect with Enactus Australia CEO, Judy Howard:
Connect with Jo on LinkedIn:
For more interviews with leaders like Jo, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy:
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
To connect with our host, Josh Farr, connect on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/joshdfarr
Join us again soon!
#020 Ft. Guy Kawasaki: New York Times Best-Selling Author, Chief Evangelist of Canva, TEDx Speaker & Serial Silicon-Valley Entrepreneur
Our next guest is Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist of Canva, one of Australia’s unicorn startups & an online digital design platform used by hundreds of student clubs across the country. Guy has done it all. Before he was working with Aussie startups, he was the chief evangelist of Apple, CEO of multiple companies himself & co-founded others.
He is a brand ambassador for Mercedes-Benz, has given TEDx talks, shared the TEDx stage with Dr. Jane Goodall & shared the South by South-West stage with Mark Cuban amongst others. Guy joins us on The Campus Experience to discuss his latest book, Wise Guy which has just been released today, February 26th, 2019!
Top quotes (from this episode & Wise Guy).
If serendipity presents an opportunity, don’t be proud. Take it.
If a billionaire knight who owns an island and kitesurfs with Barack Obama can get on his knees and shine your shoes for your business, you can, too!
As you make decisions in your life, more data is better than less, so traveling, living away from home, and meeting people with different backgrounds are all valuable.
There are no perfect candidates – there are only successful candidates who made their shortcomings irrelevant.
If you’re a boss, [ask yourself] are you offering employees a way to master new skills while working autonomously toward a meaningful goal?
God’s gift for finding something in common with people is LinkedIn. There you can learn about someone’s education background, work experience, and social connections to you. It’s the best tool ever for finding something on which to agree.
I made many mistakes in these positions, and I discuss them here so you can at least make different mistakes.
Do what’s right. Influence comes with a moral obligation to stand up for your principles and to help less fortunate people.
To learn all about the new book Wise Guy, visit:
Pre-order the Wise Guy:
Follow Guy on LinkedIn:
For more interviews with leaders like Guy, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy:
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
To connect with our host, Josh Farr, connect on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/joshdfarr
Join us again soon!
#019 Ft. Jim Whalley: South Australia’s Chief Entrepreneur, Former Co-Founder & CEO of Nova Systems (500+ Employees) on Celebrating Entrepreneurship
Our next guest is Jim Whalley, South Australia’s Chief Entrepreneur. Before entering the business world, Jim joined the Royal Australian Air Force straight out of school where he was a pilot for 27 years.
He then returned to complete his MBA at the University of Adelaide & in 2000 Co-Founded Nova Systems which he lead as CEO for 16-years, growing the business from 2 to 550 employees & landing on Top 20 fastest growing companies in SA, BRW Fast 100 & BRW “Best Places to Work.”
Jim is currently Chair & Executive Director of Nova Systems as well as leading South Australia’s entrepreneurship model to support the South Australian Government’s new approach to economic growth.
I joined Jim at Lot Fourteen in Adelaide & can’t wait to unpack his leadership & entrepreneurship journey & hear about his plans for the future of entrepreneurship in South Australia.
· Read about Jim’s view on making entrepreneurs heroes:
· Follow Jim on LinkedIn:
· Learn more about The Office of The Chief Entrepreneur:
· “When you have a vision or a goal, it makes many of the decisions much easier.”
· “My professor said…, ‘Think of something or fail.’”
· “I’m into celebrating people having a go.”
· “It’s just having an open mind, an enquiring mind & a logical mind that allows you to scan the environment & the landscape, see an opportunity & then look at how your capabilities match…”
· “If you go too far from your level or expertise & confidence there is a high risk of it going wrong.”
· “I think it’s great that athletes in Australia end up on the front page of the paper, but I’d also like those people that take a risk, that build businesses, that provide jobs, & do great things on a national & global scale that they’re celebrated as well & that they end up as role models for us.”
· “We need to make entrepreneurs heroes & there is an obligation that goes with that & that is that entrepreneurs do good, not evil.”
What’s next?
For more interviews with leaders like Jim, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy:
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: www.facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Feel free to connect with Josh on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/joshdfarr
Join us again soon!
#018 Nigeria (Next Step Forum): 7-Principles of Entrepreneurship That I Learned Building Campus Consultancy (Whatsapp Chat)
Hello & welcome. This is a special episode. On this episode of the Campus Experience, you will hear the condensed of a 2.5hr workshop that I ran for the Next Step Forum in Nigeria where 256 young Nigerian leaders came together to hear about my journey. By using a combination of Whatsapp messages & text responses to questions, we conducted the session so it was mobile compatible & internet friendly for those who didn’t have strong connection. They were so engaged & I wanted to share this with all our 800+ listeners as well as the students themselves so I’ve downloaded each of the audio clips, stitched them together & over the next 30-minutes you will hear 7 of the principles that have helped me build Campus Consultancy. It’s raw, it’s to the point & I hope there is something in here that can help you too! Enjoy!
PROBLEM: I didn't have any friends
SOLUTION: I got involved in "on campus life" e.g. clubs, societies, or groups like THIS, the Next Steps Forum.
VALUE = social connection, support, growth etc.
When I became President of my club & society, I wanted to know how to help more people come together & make friends.
I went to the head of engineering & asked, "What do you need us to do to help more students?" He said, "I want more students to stay engaged," so it's good for business & for the university.
BY SOLVING THEIR PROBLEM, they supported us to solve the student’s problem (around friendship).
"Scratch your own itch" inspired by Tim Ferriss is my 2nd principle!
Tim (as if I know him), is a NYT best-selling author, so he stared his first business based on a problem HE experienced. He turned what COST him money, into an opportunity. If you can solve a problem for yourself & others, that's valuable.
When I was at university running my club, I had 0 experience leading a team before (except in yr-9 cricket), so many people had no experience with teams either.
SO - I built a training program that helps young leaders be better at running organisations. I know I had at least 1 customer, because I WOULD HAVE PAID for it back in my day
Find something that you are experiencing & see how could you solve it for yourself.
Q: What's a problem you're facing & how could you solve it?
Principle #3 - ADD VALUE FIRST
Try to find a way to EDUCATE your audience on the problem you're solving.
You don't have to be cheapest, that's only what you do when you have run out of creativity (as Seth Godin would say).
We all have our demons & things we have done wrong in life.
THAT IS OK. We all have that.
I focus on things that make my life better & the lives of others better. I see my different sources of energy as:
1. Mental
2. Physical
3. Emotional (relationships)
4. Spiritual (not in a religious sense)
I try to do something EVERY DAY that gives me energy in everyone of those categories.
If I push myself & grow every day, I show up better in my relationships.
I tell young people to develop THEMSELVES so they can be the best leader, the best team member & help others.
If you can be better every day, you'll have more to give to other people
Outputs = what you produce e.g. sell 1000 books, take 500 students through a course
1. Financial (jobs, profit)
2. Natural (land, air, waste)
3. Physical (Shelter, clean energy, water supply)
4. Human (skills, leaders)
5. Social (communities, relationships, mentors)
#1 Financial, e.g. you sell chocolates & employ 5 of your friends & you make profit for you & jobs/profit for them.
#2 Natural: saving plastic from the waste & turning it into something good.
#3 Physical: Solar engineers, if you create a clean energy solution that you make a solar light that you can give to students so they can study at night, you're creating CLEAN ENERGY + skills/education (next one)
#4 Human: Skills & leaders. This is my USER focus. Students get to learn new skills (like you are all learning) & you get to teach this to others. Or repurpose these points & make your own speech out of it & share it to others.
Maybe you turn this into a LinkedIn article & share it?
Maybe you write it up in an article & share it to your university or local newspaper?
Maybe you record your own 7-Tips & share it on Youtube or on your Facebook page.
#5 Social = relationships. Can you help people build relationships? Campus Consultancy does this too!
This is a quote from Seneca, that Tim Ferriss (again) mentions a lot!
When I have a problem in my life, I used to say, "What extra thing do I need to solve this problem?
I've found that a BETTER QUESTION is asking, "What do I need to remove that's painful, a waste of time, or a bad habit that's causing me issues?"
It could be friends, an employer or an employee... but these are EXTERNAL. I look internal.
I stopped drinking alcohol because it caused problems:
1. It cost lots of money.
2. I didn't like not being in control of my feelings
3. I got hangovers which ruined my Sundays.
So I stopped. I subtract a problem rather than added in something else.
I now, in my business do just 4 things:
1. Present Programs
2. Create Programs
3. Sell Programs
4. "Give"
Presenting programs helps me impact people & get my social/human outcomes.
Create programs is new innovation & creating the change I want to see in the world for the future.
Selling programs allows me to impact more people & build a sustainable business model around what I do & hopefully employ people in the near future!
"Giving" is about all the free work I do to help others. I love doing this & it fills up my 'spiritual bucket' (from Principle #3). It’s all about building relationships with students, universities & all stakeholders.
Principle #7 = KEEP LEARNING
Check out TED talks, Podcasts, Youtube or even renting books from libraries that are all 100% FREE.
A series on Youtube around Business Model Canvas is really valuable & something you might enjoy if you want to build your own business.
Finally, share your story & ask for help.
1. Sharing your story helps others connect with you & be inspired by you.
2. Ask for help because none of us do it alone. I had a mentoring session on Thursday with one of my earliest mentors who gives the fatherly advice that I need, along with a kick up the butt, "Josh, you need to think about ABC, value yourself & your time if you want to help more people." So it's fun, but challenges me & helps me grow!
For more podcasts, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy:
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#017 Ft. Mariam Mohammed: Founder of MoneyGirl & President of SUPRA ’18. #LetsTalkAboutMoney
Our next guest, is Mariam Mohammed: recent President of the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association (SUPRA), & in fact the youngest President in the 40+ year history of the organisation, where she managed a team of 17 staff, 28 councillors & a $1.6m budget to benefit ~25,000 post-graduate students . Alongside her co-President Kiriti, they lead an outreach campaign that resulted in a 632% increase in voting over two-years! We talk about how Mariam thinks of customer-segmentation within her membership base & tailoring events to the needs of her users.
Mariam is also the Founder of MoneyGirl, a social enterprise focused on making financial education more fun & accessible for young Australian women. She is brutally honest with her insights into the ups & downs of creating a startup to tackle the front-page worthy world of financial education. We talk about her plans for the future & why financial literacy is such a pressing issue, particularly for women due to the links to domestic violence.
Top Quotes:
· “We, as student leaders, come into positions that we may have never been in before…and then we discover… that the vision we have, or the vision our people have, are very different to what the organisation is willing or able to do.”
· “Our strategy was essentially to have a community engagement strategy, which didn’t really exist before.”
· “Figure out who it is that you want to engage, how are you going to do it & what is it that they need from you in order to engage with you.”
· “We had international student events at regular intervals… they formed almost 50% of our post-graduate student body. We also had a women’s conference, we had informal seminars targeted at specific audiences that we wanted to engage. It helped us identify: (1) Here is the part of the post-graduate community that is already well engaged; [2] Who are the communities who are least engaged but are important to engage? Then we figured out what would be the best way to engage them. Whether that means social events… collective safe spaces, or social media engagement.”
· “When I first started at SUPRA in 2016, the engagement level was (something like) 2% of the student body (of 25,000 post-graduate students). Your engagement is important because if you are not engaging your community you are not able to full, and to the best of your ability, represent them.”
· “If you think about yourself as the brand… I need to figure out who Mariam’s market is. I need to go through the exact same process for myself! Knowing how to map your stakeholders; knowing how to identify those gaps, knowing exactly who you are serving & why,… [is so valuable after your lifetime as a student leader & into your career].”
· “I work very mindfully to make sure I don’t turn into a workaholic.”
· “Recognise your guiding purpose.”
· “Only 50% of Australians know very basic personal finance… That number goes down to 35% when you look at just Australian women… If you look at Australian youth that number goes down further to 24%.”
· “Financial literacy is a survival skill.”
· “MoneyGirl is not just about financial literacy, MoneyGirl is about women’s wellbeing.”
· “We don’t talk about the bad or harder parts about building a business too often!”
· Connect with Mariam via https://www.linkedin.com/in/marmariam/
· Follow the MoneyGirl story via https://www.linkedin.com/company/moneygirlau/
· Reach out to MoneyGirl on Twitter: @MoneyGirlAU
· Check out The Social Impact Lab: https://www.thesocialimpactlab.com/
· Startup Muster Report (2018): https://www.startupmuster.com/reports
· “1 woman per week is murdered by her partner [current or former] in Australia,”
Data supported by White Ribbon website, original source: Bryant, W. & Bricknall, S. (2017). Homicide in Australia 2012-2014: National Homicide Monitoring Program report. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. Retrieved from: https://bit.ly/2ozctxh.
If you, or someone you know, is the victim of domestic violence, please utilise the free support services available for each state of Australia at the White Ribbon website: https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/find-help/
For more interviews with leaders like Mariam, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy:
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
And remember to connect with our host, Josh Farr, on www.linkedin.com/in/joshdfarr
Join us again soon!
#016 Ft. Mads Grummet: CEO of GirledWorld & STEM Advocate For Women
Our next guest is Mads Grummet, CEO of GirledWorld, an organisation that’s ewpowered more than 20,000 high-school girls lifting their aspirations towards careers in STEM. A passionate advocate for equality, Mads is the mother of 4-teenage girls herself & in this episode we cover everything from life as an early stage founder, changing careers & starting studying again, what it’s like to grow a business & how she thinks about leadership in the 21st century.
For this episode, a big thank you (& huge love) to MYOB for providing us with a beautiful recording studio! Enjoy this episode & as always, let us know what you got out of it.
#LifeIsJustABunchOfTuesdays … Don’t worry. That hashtag will make sense once you listen to the episode. Enjoy!
Top Quotes:
· “If I feel like something intrinsically is not sitting with me then I need to act.”
· “[For teenage girls] It’s really difficult to know where to find role models.”
· “Don’t accept systems as they are & don’t take status quo as the way things should be.”
· “I don’t need to ask for permission.”
· “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.”
Note: Mads put a call out on social-media for teenage girls to share their stories about social media & received thousands of responses from around the world for the campaign, You Are Not Your Face. Keep an eye out for this book when it is released!
· Check out her website:
· GirledWorld WOW Summit 2019:
· Wade Institute:
· AIME leaving social-media:
· Rufus Black – A strong leader & influence on Mads
· Connect with Mads on LinkedIn:
Want to know more about girledworld 2019?
· read about the girledworld WOW NSW Summit here and here.
· read about our 2019 girledworld Projects +Partnerships here
· learn about our International Women’s Day 2019 National Program with Virgin Australia here
· learn about our Future of Work programs with schools across Australia here
· learn about the You Are Not Your Face global storytelling project by teens for teens here
· watch this space for girledworld WOW Summit Geelong (Victorian State Government, Geelong Football Club + AFLW)
· meet the team and read about our journey from the start here
For more interviews with leaders like Mads, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy:
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#015 Ft. Tony Nash: Building a $113m Business (FY18 Revenue), Leading With Empowerment & How To Grieve
Our next guest is Tony Nash, CEO of the 100% Australian owned company Booktopia. Tony went into business with a budget of just $10 per day. After their first year in business, Booktopia was selling more than $100,000 worth of stock per month, and now, more than 14-years later, employs 200+ people, sells a book every 6.1 seconds & in the last financial year achieved an annual revenue in excess of $110 million.
On this episode of The Campus Experience, Tony & I will be talking about how his role as a leader has developed from bootstrapping entrepreneur to building a company that placed on the Australian Financial Review’s Fast 100 list 8 years in a row (the first & only company in Australian history to do so).
Enjoy this conversion with the incredibly wise, Tony Nash!
Top Quotes
“I wanted to see the world before I started working.”
“If you can ask good questions, then the quality of your life is impacted.”
“If you want to slow down, just look to your left or your right & see where your competitors are. But if you want to go as fast as you can just look straight down your lane at a point at the very end & focus on that.”
“My style is empowering people, giving them the space to go after the goals they’ve set themselves.”
“Things come out of left field. You’ve got to expect the unexpected.”
“I had 200 LinkedIn messages [after the Success Resources talk] & I got back to everyone.”
“We all have our light[sic] & our dark.”
“I’ve done, probably, 500 days of professional development workshops [over 15-years].”
“I was going on the downer [of the roller-coaster] with the handbrake full on. I eventually got there very slowly, but I had no momentum to go up the other side!”
Tony’s Top Book Recommendations:
Richard Bach’s book: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Kahlil Gibran’s book: The Prophet
Kenneth Blanchard’s book(s): The One Minute Manager Series
Paulo Coelho’s book: The Alchemist
Brené Brown’s book: Braving The Wilderness
Check out the full range of books available at Booktopia:
Connect with Tony on LinkedIn:
Connect with our host, Josh, on LinkedIn:
For more interviews with leaders like Tony, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#014 Ft. Jacob Masina Board Director at the University of Sydney Union, Former Club President, National Ambassador for Youth on Board & Mental Health Advocate
Our next guest is Jacob Masina, one of thirteen Board Directors at the University of Sydney Union, a not-for-profit body looking after more than 50,000 students, staff, alumni & who are responsible for the financial management & allocation of $29million.
Prior to this role, Jacob was the President of the Sydney Arts Student Society (SASS) - the official Faculty Club for Arts and Social Sciences students at the University of Sydney. If you’re a regular listener, you will be familiar with Michael Hester, the University of Melbourne Arts Student Society President, so today, from beautiful Sydney we are hearing another perspective on what it takes to lead one of the largest student societies on campus as well as hear all about Jacob’s other leadership roles & experience.
Top Quotes:
“The ultimate question is balance.”
“Google calendar is my bible.”
“People don’t really know what direction they want to go, they know which direction they’re heading.”
“Everybody has the capacity to know where they want to go.”
“Empowerment is a leader harnessing their own potential & the potential of their community to encourage & lift up everybody to improve their environment so that everybody who is a stakeholder in that environment is having a better time… Entitlement tends to blind leaders to that vision… & pushes away the very community members who you said you wanted to take care of.”
“The only solution to entitlement is empowerment.”
School Paper Interview:
Honi Soit Interview:
Wisdom from Nelson Mandela:
ReachOut Australia – Reaching 100,000 students (Depression Awareness Campaign):
Mental Health Awareness Society (MAHSoc):
University of Sydney Union
Simon Sinek TED Talk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”
Connect with Jacob via…
Example of Josh’s Google Calendar
GREY = Physical Exercise
DARK GREEN = Travel, Lunch
LIGHT GREEN = SPARK Deakin Entrepreneurship Program
PURPLE = Meetings
ORANGE = Presentations
YELLOW = Scheduled time for work e.g. creating workshops, LinkedIn posts, editing podcasts etc.
DARK BLUE = Podcast Recordings
RED = Client Checkin
For more interviews with leaders like Jacob, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#012 – Ft. Zack Bryers, Young Australian of the Year ACT 2018, Australian Gridiron World Cup Athlete & Entrepreneur
Our next guest is Zack Bryers, Young Australian of the Year ACT 2018. After going through his own personal journey of struggles, including experiences homelessness, PTSD & receiving more than 250 rejections from job applications, Zack’s ability to develop himself is remarkable.
He served in the Australian Armed Forces in Afghanistan (2011) and only a few years later trained himself to play professional level American Football by watching Youtube videos and in just 17 months, earned his place in the #52 jersey on the Australia Team for the 2105 IFAF Gridiron World Cup.
Zack then worked in youth outreach with homeless or at risk youth to help find them security, purpose & hope in life through Youthcare Canberra for 4 years before finding himself in 2018, starting his own business, Bryers & Associates Social Innovation Design.
It was my absolute pleasure to interview Zack on The Campus Experience.
Top quotes:
“You don’t actually know what your limits are until you test them.”
“Coming back from Afghanistan was way more intimidating than being in Afghanistan because you can’t control a lot of things in everyday life.”
“I think the biggest challenge in life is not knowing where you’re going to end up.”
“The conversation you have with yourself is often the hardest.”
“After 170 [job rejections], I didn’t really know where I was going to end up. I forgot about my process. I had to rediscover that. Instead of playing the victim, instead of going, ‘Oh, I can’t get a job,’ [I started] doing something proactively to change my situation.”
“Doubt creeps in even more when you’re not being genuine to who you are.”
“I wanted to be as real as I could… but I also wanted to be employable… being stuck in those two worlds I did neither.”
“I may go through this hard time but I can control my smile because that makes somebody else’s day better as well.”
S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting:
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Actionable
T = Time-bound
Dr Van Der Kolk:
Connect with Zack at Bryers & Associates Social Innovation:
For more interviews with leaders like Zack, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#011 – Ft. Michael Hester, $300k+ Annual Expenditure as President of Melbourne Arts Students Society
Our next guest is Michael Hester, President of the University of Melbourne Arts Students Society. With more than 2100 members, MASS is the largest student society at the University & Michael leads a team of 15 committee-members with an annual expenditure of over $300,000. We discuss how Michael & his team approach working in partnership with the Faculty of Arts, Scholarships, innovative approaches to reengaging alumni & the importance of health for students.
Top Quotes:
“We have an Arts Fest during Orientation Week where we take over 3 or 4 floors of a building with different activities, click-baity advertising, that gets students to feel welcome at University & on-board.“
“We have about 40 leaders… & we run a workshop on how to market MASS. Students love if you can add value to their experience vs sell a product straight away… It’s all just person to person connections that help people feel included.”
“What we do best is demystify university.”
“There’s no sort of connection with a faculty that has to be inherited. You can change & discover new opportunities just by meeting face to face with them… We ask, “What are the goals the faculty are looking for?” Then look at what we’re trying to provide. Someone in that middle ground is a project or an event that we can run. We can use their resources & they can use ours.”
“Start small, not to leap towards your end goal.”
“Staff were surprised by how innovative the program was, there hadn’t been a collaboration between a faculty in a financial sense before. It really took off, it was put in the staff publication!”
“We had 500 people come [to our BBQ] & we sold 80 t-shirts on the first day. From there, we’re going to list them on our Facebook as a regular product.”
“People are willing to help us out, even if they left the university walls 10-15 years ago.”
“We’re all students, we’re all trying to have a great time, there’s no reason why we need to stand alone.”
“While there’s a lot to do, my biggest priority is making sure everyone has a break from university firstly & is looking after themselves & having a good time because you can’t run a club unless you’ve got members that enjoy being around.”
Accessibility scholarship Faculty 110:
Wait, did someone say, ‘Mood Board?’ Here’s how Michael describes it:
1. On one side, “What do you like to wear to university? What would be appealing to wear?”
2. On the other side, “What sort of charity logos do you think are received well by students?”
Then you cut out different photos from the internet & pop them on a board.
Then you review the A1 poster board in the common room, stand back & look for recurring themes.
Link to the RUOK Day event:
Connect with MASS:
Connect with Michael:
For more interviews with leaders like Michael, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#010 Ft. Mathew D’Onofrio Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2018, Entrepreneur & CEO of Nightlife First Aid
Our next guest is Mathew D’Onofrio, Founder, CEO & Owner of Nightlife First Aid. After 3-years of building his first business to create safe partying environments for young people, Mathew finds himself on the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2018 social entrepreneur list & youngest list.
It is my pleasure to welcome Mathew to The Campus Experience to discuss both the mechanics of building an innovative business focused on helping your friends celebrate safely as well as his take on what it means to be a leader & an entrepreneur in 2018.
Top Quotes:
“At that point where I had to choose between St John’s something that had literally shaped my life for 5-years & something that I had just begun… that was the day when I realised ‘why.’”
“Who knows what you do better than you do?”
“There are a lot of first-aid-trained people in the world, what’s important is to find the ones who are prepared to use it… It’s sort of like a side hustle, but instead of driving a car with Uber it’s something they’re really interested in & passionate about. It’s still in that public safety sort of area.”
“I went to the youngest list, and my name was right next to Catherine Langford – from ’13 Reasons Why’ – and I was like, ‘This is cool.’”
Learn more about Nightlife First Aid via:
Connect with Mathew via:
I Am Worthmore
Will Dayble, Fitzroy Academy, ‘What is a social enterprise anyway?’
Small Giants book by Bo Burlingham
More about Mathew D’Onofrio:
Mathew is an award-winning and internationally renowned entrepreneur, based in Adelaide. Most recently and notably, he was the FIRST and ONLY South Australian to be listed in the ‘Forbes 30 Under 30’.
Beginning his first startup, Nightlife First Aid - a first aid service dedicated to creating safe partying environments amongst youth, alcohol consumption and drugs by sending out a first aider to be on site at party events in case any medical emergencies are to occur - at the ripe age of 17, Mathew has since gained extensive knowledge in business and entrepreneurship. He has undertaken a number of roles in various industries to further advance his knowledge and experience.
Supported by organisations like:
-New Venture Institute
-Australia Day Council of South Australia & Australian of the Year Awards
-Startup Adelaide
-The City of Unley
-Entrepreneurs’ Organisation
-Channel 9 Young Achiever Awards
-Adelaide Suits Direct
-Foundation for Young Australians
-Change Makers Program
-Abbott Global (ANZ)
-Rotary Club of Adelaide West
And won awards such as:
-2017 South Australian State Finalist – Young Australian of the Year (2016)
-Startup Adelaide’s Young Upstart: Under 30s Award Winner (2016)
-Startup Adelaide’s Startup of the Year Award Winner (2016)
-Channel 9 Young Achiever Awards – University Senior College Create Change Award Finalist (2017)
-Channel 9 Young Achiever Awards – Fresh 92.7 People’s Choice Award Finalist (2017)
-Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)’s Young Social Pioneers (YSP) National Incubator & Pitch Competition - Health Stream Winner (2017)
-Forbes Magazine’s 30 Under 30 Asia – Social Entrepreneurs List & Youngest List (2018)
-Foundation for Young Australians (FYA)’s Unleashed Awards - Vanguard Award Category Winner (2018)
For more interviews with leaders like Mathew, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#009 Ft. Pheobe Ho – TEDxUWA Speaker, Mental Health ‘Lived Experience’ Educator & UWA Honors Student
Our next guest is Pheobe Ho. A recent TEDxUWA speaker, headspace mental health advocate & educator & UWA Student Guild Welfare Officer, Pheobe joins me to speak about her journey with mental health, her road to recovery, & the importance of sharing stories of lived-experience for those currently experiencing difficulty. Balancing this load while also completing her honours degree in Psychology, is no small task, so it is my pleasure to welcome Phoebe to The Campus Experience.
WARNING: This podcast includes a conversation about a mental health & eating disorders. If you or anyone you know might be experiencing mental health challenges, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or The beyondblue Support Service who provide advice and support via telephone 24/7 (on 1300 22 4636), daily web chat (between 3pm–12am) and email (with a response provided within 24 hours).
Top Quotes:
“My turning point for me was when I heard other speakers talk about their experience with mental health & although they’d hit rock bottom they came out the other side in one piece.”
“Recovery is possible… keep going.”
“Someone had been through what I had been through & was able to tell me that it was possible.”
“[Don’t] let your past experience dictate what you can achieve in the future. You have your own power to rewrite your story, and who you are, in the future. So don’t let that restrict you in terms of recovery and becoming a better version of yourself.”
Follow or connect with Pheobe via LinkedIn on www.linkedin.com/in/pheobeho97/
Find out more about headspace via headspace.org.au/
5 Benefits of Workplace Giving (supporting the value employers) - www.frontstream.com/5-benefits-of-workplace-giving-csr/
For more interviews with leaders like Pheobe, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#008 Ft. Joshua Gore, Raising $20k for Room to Read, UniSA Club President & Young Leader
Our next guest is Joshua Gore, the President of Bright Futures Society UniSA. Josh & I connected earlier this year when I heard about an ambitious fundraising goal he’d set & how he was bringing students groups together to achieve it. In this episode of The Campus Experience, we talk about Josh’s experience with multiple not-for-profit including Oxfam, AIME & what he’s working on with the Bright Futures Society UniSA. We go really deep into our aligned philosophies on motivating young people to give back by utilizing business acumen & honest self-reflection on one’s own goals & needs.
Can you help out with a $20,000 fundraiser in Adelaide? Connect with Joshua viawww.linkedin.com/in/joshua-gore/
Top quotes from this episode:
“I think there are 2 types of inspired, there’s an inspired that makes you feel good but doesn’t provide any pragmatic detail & then there was this sort of inspired where immediately afterward you pull out a notepad & start writing down how you’re going to change the world.”
“It’s about giving something before you take it.”
“Just because it’s good for the world doesn’t mean it automatically gets a free pass in the proposal stage.”
“You can’t be everything for everyone.”
“If I had a team of 15 people, I’d rather listen to 14 other brains.”
“Coupling that selfless communal, ‘I want to help other people sense,’ with a carrot for yourself, can really drive you to do more for the community.”
“You can be successful individually, you achieve what you want to in life, while [contributing] that benefit to society.”
John Wood’s book, ‘Creating Room to Read’ for $19.99 on Amazon AU
Who Gives A Crap
Thankyou, Chapter One book by Daniel Flynn with over $2.5m raised
Bright Futures Society UniSA
2019 Victorian Rotary Youth Forum
“More than 70% of people will pay more for sustainable products,” source: www.inc.com/melanie-curtin/73-percent-of-millennials-are-willing-to-spend-more-money-on-this-1-type-of-product.html
For more interviews with leaders like Joshua, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#007 Ft. Ho Jun Tang #1 Club at UNSW in 2018, President of UNSW Accounting Society
Our next guest, is Ho Jun Tang who is currently the President of the UNSW Accounting Society which won Constituent Club of the Year in 2018 out of ~300 clubs at UNSW. Have a look at some of the achievements from the UNSW Accounting Society in 2018:
• Executed an O-week strategy that increased signups by 250% with over 600 new sign ups
• They ran 19 Professional and Educational Events, with over 1220+ attendees in total (average of 64 attendees each event)
• Established UNSW Accounting Society Alumni Network
• Increased in sponsorship by 50%
• Increased email subscribers by over 2,000 (from 1,983 to 4,329)
• Trained over 100 Directors, Subcommittee and Mentors
In this episode of the podcast, we talk about Ho Jun’s various university club leadership roles, and get super tactical into how he lead the UNSW Accounting Society to achieve so much in 2018.
Top quotes from this episode!
• “…A really good selling point for a society to have when pitching to sponsors is to have an avenue to give out these brands & merchandise that can really spread their awareness.”
• “A tiered freebee system, for 1 sign up you could get a pen, for 1 sign up & sharing our snapchat geo-filter you could get a better prize such as a (water) bottle… You also go in the running to win a free textbook.”
• “An executive role is a front-loaded position.”
• “It’s a volunteer role, so it’s quite easy for students to put societies on the backburner once they’ve got the position. They might be looking at jobs, their marks… that’s why building a rapport is important & really connecting & demonstrating the over-all vision & how their role connects with the vision. “
• “Why would a firm give money to a student society? It was really about brand-awareness, student engagement, mentoring & events.”
Key Links
UNSW Accounting Society website:
UNSW Accounting Society Facebook page:
Follow Ho Jun Tang on LinkedIn:
Checkout Ho Jun’s startup, ‘YellowBox’:
For more interviews with leaders like Ho Jun, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Website: www.campusconsultancy.org/podcast
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#006 Ft. Brody Hannan, $110k raised in scholarships for rural students & climbing Mt Everest!
Our next guest is Brody Hannah. An Officer Cadet in the Australian Army Reserves, CSIRO Journalist for The Double Helix & Australian National University student. Brody & I connected on LinkedIn in March of 2018. Both growing up in country NSW, we bonded over a passion for education & an interest in mental health & emotional intelligence. It is my pleasure to welcome Brody to The Campus Experience to discuss his journey in student leadership & what excites him about the future.
Brody put his money where his mouth was, laying down his year’s scholarship to kickstart a fundraiser that eventually raised more than $110,000 for students from regional areas to come to study through The Australian National University's Rural and Regional Equity Scholarship.
“When you have a group of passionate young people, you can put pressure on big players to make big change.”
In this episode, Brody shares his story including losing his job, becoming homeless as a student, living out of his car & flipping the mindset to remind himself he’s “still in the game.” He looked for the biggest challenge he could set himself, and set his sights on Mt Everest.
“When you’re at your lowest point to remind yourself that you’re still in the game.”
We wish Brody luck as he goes out on his next adventure & couldn’t be more appreciative of his story that will inspire so many other.
While it’s important to draw inspiration from Brody’s story, it’s also important to know that if you’re struggling with mental health (which we discuss in this interview) that we are not health professionals & would recommend you speak to your GP or seek assistance from these free services below:
If you or anyone you know might be experiencing mental health challenges, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or The beyondblue Support Service who provide advice and support via telephone 24/7 (on 1300 22 4636), daily web chat (between 3pm–12am) and email (with a response provided within 24 hours).
Interested in reading more about Brody’s work? Check out these resources:
· https://science.anu.edu.au/news-events/student-blog/how-reaching-out-can-help-you-make-most-uni
· https://science.anu.edu.au/news-events/student-blog/i-spent-my-winter-studying-oxford
· https://science.anu.edu.au/news-events/student-blog/5-things-i-wish-i-knew-first-year
As he suggests, you can follow Brody on LinkedIn via https://www.linkedin.com/in/brodyhannan/ & ensure you look around you for inspirational people that you’re close to (as he suggests)!
For more interviews with leaders like Brody, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Join us again soon!
#005 Ft. Thenu Herath, College President, World Vision Australia Youth Ambassador & Educator
Thenu graduated as Dux of her high-school before starting a Bachelor of Arts, in Politics & International Studies at the University of Melbourne. Her interests are spread across Education, Equality & Leadership, all of which we’ll cover on this episode of The Campus Experience. As President of her University College, a World Vision Australia Youth Ambassador as well as being heavily involved in education advocacy through Elevate Education & Teach For Australia, Thenu’s varied experience will show any young leader listening that they can achieve truly remarkable things with the right opportunities, commitment & people around you.
In this episode we discuss how Thenu was influenced from seeing the world from different angles. Spending her first 7-years in New Zealand, before moving to Australia, then spending time in Sri Lanka & India, Thenu was struck by how fortunate she was to receive the quality of education & welfare afforded to her.
We discuss a series of key trips including one to northern India where Thenu met Soni, which she discusses in length in this blog post from World Vision:
Going into leadership roles with World Vision Australia & her residential college, Janet Clarke Hall, Thenu shares the raw challenges of these experiences as well as the thoughts she’s going through in considering her career pathway to make the biggest impact on the world.
If you want to hear about the highs & the lows of student leadership, how to balance multiple part-time jobs & why advocating for the causes dearest to your heart is the right path, this is the episode for you.
Janet Clarke Hall: jch.unimelb.edu.au/
World Vision Australia: www.worldvision.com.au/
Elevate Education: au.elevateeducation.com/
Teach For Australia: www.teachforaustralia.org/
For more interviews with leaders like Thenu, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Speak with you again soon!
#004 Ft. James Martin, Co-Founder & Managing Director of Insider Guides (International Education)
In this episode of The Campus Experience, we welcome James Martin, Co-Founder & Managing Director at Insider Guides, a media company that creates free resources & magazines, jam-packed with tips for international students across a variety of topics. James also started the Victoria & South Australian chapters of the International Education young professionals’ group.
With more than 11 years of experience in the international education space, James has been instrumental in helping more than 70% of international students arrive in Australia feeling more prepared, more welcome & more connected.
In this podcast we discuss:
• James’s first international trip as a student
• Returning to Australia and feeling like something had changed
• Where the idea for Insider Guides came from
• The help he received along the way
• The variety of topics that are covered in Insider Guides including:
o Getting a phone
o Banking
o Accommodation
o Job tips
o Study tips
o Culture
o Health
o Transport
o Fun stuff
• The ‘Living Cost Calculator’ which gives you an approximate expense per week – I feel like lots of people could benefit from this tool!
• Continuing to innovate, launching his recent Youtube channel
NOTE: If entrepreneurship is of interest to you, jump forward to the 5minute36second mark to dive into how James got the idea for starting his own business & how he conducted his first ‘customer interviews’ with international students across the bar!
Two of my favorite quotes from this episode are:
“We as local students we travel around the world looking for these international experiences but sometimes these amazing people have come from all the way around the world to study at your institution, it’s about opening your heart, opening up and saying, “Look guys, I’m a local, let’s have a chat, let’s grad a coffee.” Only good can come from it.”
“I think its important to try a lot of things when you’ve got nothing to lose. When you’re at university, you really don’t have a lot to lose by just thinking of a business idea, getting a few business cards printed, maybe bringing an international student along for the ride & trying something out. Only good can come from that really.”
To download your free resources in your city, visit insiderguides.com.au/
Additional resources mentioned:
• Australian Financial Review article from late October talking about the quote-unquote “recycling of overseas students for commissions”
• International Education Association of Australia (IEAA)
Education is Australia’s 3rd largest export, at $30.3 billion & supports more than 130k jobs
For more interviews with leaders like James, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Speak with you again soon!
#003 Ft. Bridie Duggan, 2017 Young Australian of The Year (NT) raising $27,000 for mental health
On this episode of The Campus Experience, I’m joined by Bridie Duggan who was awarded the Young Australian of the Year for the Northern Territory in 2017 due to her work as a mental health advocate.
WARNING: This podcast includes a conversation about a mental health & suicide. If you or anyone you know might be experiencing mental health challenges, you can call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or The beyondblue Support Service who provide advice and support via telephone 24/7 (on 1300 22 4636), daily web chat (between 3pm–12am) and email (with a response provided within 24 hours).
After growing up in the regional Northern Territory, Bridie was personally moved to take action after the loss of a close friend. Through a GoFundMePage & a social-media campaign where she did thousands of burpees & shared them online, Bridie raised more than $27,000 for the Livin Foundation who have reached more than 54,000 people through their advocacy work.
Today, we’re so fortunate to be joined by Bridie to discuss her experiences in leadership, her work in fundraising & the importance of speaking openly about mental health.
Some of my favorite quotes from this episode included:
“I always wanted to be one of the best so I wanted to motive others”
“You’re only as strong as your weakest player so it’s about building up others”
“The best thing I excel at is finding out how others learn”
“When I got the call at the time to say that I was nominated… I actually hung up on them, saying “Sorry, I haven’t nominated [myself] for anything.” I had 8 [university] exams coming up. They [called back and] said, “I don’t think you understand how big this award is,” and I was like, “I don’t think you understand how tough these exams are!””
“Find your rock”
“You might be having a bad day but you’ve always got tomorrow to look forward to”
“I thought, “what’s an exercise everyone hates?” What I’ll do is (100 burpees) & make videos so people can donate & do it with me. The release of endorphins after you’re moving is incredible & I wanted others to realise how good it is to get your body moving for your mental health.”
“The most (burpees we did) was about 400 a day because we had 4 workplaces we had to go and visit.”
“People don’t really follow what you do, they follow why you do it”
Contact Bridie:
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/bridie-duggan-8661a293/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bridie_duggan
- livin.org/
- www.beyondblue.org.au/about-us/contact-us
For more interviews with leaders like Felicity, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Speak with you again soon!
#002 Ft. Felicity Furey, AFR Top 100 Women of Influence, 2xCo-Founder, Engineer, TEDx Speaker + more
In this episode, we welcome our first guest, Felicity Furey. Having been named one of the Australian Financial Review's Top 100 Women of Influence after Co-Founding both The Power of Engineering & Machinam Pty Ltd, I am thrilled to welcome Felicity to The Campus Experience! Check out our interview where we discuss:
- Felicity’s first steps into leadership;
- The moment The Power of Engineering was born;
- Taking calculated risks & finding funding;
- Seeking support from mentors & the power of personal branding (through speaking engagements);
- Resilience & self-belief stemming from being 1 of just 12 women in an engineering class of 120 during her studies at QUT & then hearing "careful... she could 'influence' you" from a colleague after winning the AFR Top 100 Women of Influence award!
In Felicity’s humble account of her journey, she’s quick to give credit to her Co-Founders, her teams & her mentors, & I took so much away from this conversation.
Thank you so much for joining me Felicity, we hope you enjoy it! If you want to connect with Felicity, you can follow or connect with her on LinkedIn via, www.linkedin.com/in/felicity-furey-24b7a834
Make sure you look into both of her organizations,
The Power of Engineering - www.powerofengineering.org
Machinam - www.machinam.com
You can also check out her work at www.felicityfurey.com including links to her TEDxQUTChange, 'Females powering engineering,' her speaking roles for organisations such as QANTAS, Ford, PwC, Westpac, Telstra, Intel, ARUP, Aurecon, Aurizon & more.
For more interviews with leaders like Felicity, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
Facebook: facebook.com/campusconsultancyAU
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/campusconsultancy/
Speak with you again soon!
#001 How To Get Sponsorship, Find Partnerships & Build Stakeholder Relationships with guests MUEEC
In this episode, we take you behind the scenes into a team consultation with the Melbourne University Electrical Engineering Society.
I talk about their current state of partnerships, their goals for 2018/2019 and strategies that they can implement to develop effective partnerships & sponsorship agreements.
We always advocate for identifying win-win opportunities. During this podcast, the team identifies a range of opportunities to develop new events to bring industry to campus, to deliver disproportionate value & in turn add value to the student experience.
I hope you enjoy this episode, and please touch base to let me know if you found it helpful!
This is Josh, from The Campus Experience.
Find out more at www.campusconsultancy.org
Connect with Josh via www.linkedin.com/in/joshdfarr/