Our vision is of a world where all individuals and teams see, access and maximise their leadership potential to make the biggest possible positive impact.
Our mission is to connect and develop the most influential emerging leaders.
We aim to empower leaders with the emotional intelligence skills, mindsets and strategic frameworks to understand themselves, develop in their careers and start now to work as servant oriented leaders.
To achieve this, we focus on four core strategic pillars:
Create a clear win-win-win business case that the investment of time, energy and financial resources in leadership development has a minimum 10x return on investment for universities, governments and our suite of clients;
By designing and delivering the highest-quality available professional development workshops and programs that link skills and mindsets to both on-campus activities as well as future employability;
By creating supportive peer-to-peer mentoring and supporting cross-faculty and inter/intra-university networking;
Learning from the world’s top leaders and creating content through audio (podcast), video and written form that is freely available and empowers leaders to be the best they can be and inspire them to make the biggest positive impact in the world that they can.
Values (L.E.A.D.):
Leadership Is Service
We believe you are a leader when you step up, lean in, and help another. We believe an act of service, generously performed, is one of the greatest gifts we can give. We see the staff we partner with to deliver programs as incredible role models as servant leaders!
Empower Leaders To Create Change
We believe that an empowered individual can positively influence the lives of numerous others. We challenge leaders to grow their skills, knowledge, and mindsets. We seek diversity of thought and help leaders contextualize, act, and strive for measurable results.
Add Value First
We believe in leading by example. We run community events. We share our knowledge publicly. We pass on our workshop slides and acknowledge those from whom we learned. We are committed to adding more value and always strive to give more than we receive.
Dedicated To People
We believe the quality of your community is one of the most precious resources any organization has. We act from a place of generosity and kindness, always asking ourselves, “How can we help?”