#014 Ft. Jacob Masina Board Director at the University of Sydney Union, Former Club President, National Ambassador for Youth on Board & Mental Health Advocate
Our next guest is Jacob Masina, one of thirteen Board Directors at the University of Sydney Union, a not-for-profit body looking after more than 50,000 students, staff, alumni & who are responsible for the financial management & allocation of $29million.
Prior to this role, Jacob was the President of the Sydney Arts Student Society (SASS) - the official Faculty Club for Arts and Social Sciences students at the University of Sydney. If you’re a regular listener, you will be familiar with Michael Hester, the University of Melbourne Arts Student Society President, so today, from beautiful Sydney we are hearing another perspective on what it takes to lead one of the largest student societies on campus as well as hear all about Jacob’s other leadership roles & experience.
Top Quotes:
“The ultimate question is balance.”
“Google calendar is my bible.”
“People don’t really know what direction they want to go, they know which direction they’re heading.”
“Everybody has the capacity to know where they want to go.”
“Empowerment is a leader harnessing their own potential & the potential of their community to encourage & lift up everybody to improve their environment so that everybody who is a stakeholder in that environment is having a better time… Entitlement tends to blind leaders to that vision… & pushes away the very community members who you said you wanted to take care of.”
“The only solution to entitlement is empowerment.”
School Paper Interview:
Honi Soit Interview:
Wisdom from Nelson Mandela:
ReachOut Australia – Reaching 100,000 students (Depression Awareness Campaign):
Mental Health Awareness Society (MAHSoc):
University of Sydney Union
Simon Sinek TED Talk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”
Connect with Jacob via…
Example of Josh’s Google Calendar
GREY = Physical Exercise
DARK GREEN = Travel, Lunch
LIGHT GREEN = SPARK Deakin Entrepreneurship Program
PURPLE = Meetings
ORANGE = Presentations
YELLOW = Scheduled time for work e.g. creating workshops, LinkedIn posts, editing podcasts etc.
DARK BLUE = Podcast Recordings
RED = Client Checkin
For more interviews with leaders like Jacob, make sure you follow Campus Consultancy.
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