President #003 - Harkiran Khanna
President of Macquarie University Women in Science and Engineering
“Being a leader also encompasses developing relationship.”
Insight #1
I would encourage them to not be afraid of starting new initiatives - whether big or small. This could be mentoring programs organised by society executives in conjunction with industry professionals and academics, or charity events to raise awareness about global issues.
Insight #2
I would also emphasise that being a leader also encompasses developing relationships with Faculties and other societies on campus. Inter-society and inter-disciplinary events not only attract a larger audience, but are also imperative in improving the student experience at universities.
Insight #3
Our STEMMx event is not as big as TEDx events but we invite speakers with STEMM backgrounds to give inspirational TEDx-style talks. This year, we had an engineer from Schneider Electric, and academics from the Department of Computing, Engineering and Biology who gave presentations on 'Women in STEMM industries: challenges and achievements' theme. We had 45 students at the event, and we hope to increase our numbers next year.
Campus Challenge
Create a charity event + invite another club + utilize a well-known model
Harkiran’s tips were all so good that they have been combined into one, super-sized Campus Challenge.
Yes or No: Does your society currently run a fundraiser in support of a charity?
If your society, a group of likeminded, passionate students have come together to form a community, then coming together to contribute to a cause larger than yourselves is the next step up.
If the answer is Yes, you have a head start. Your challenge could be to break the record for your club in dollars raised.
If the answer is No, you have low-hanging fruit. Low-hanging fruit is an expression that represents an easy win. If no one in the club has formally organized a fundraiser in the past, then proposing it and forming a committee or students to support you to do it is your challenge.
Key steps (and for full details check out Campus UNLEASHED):
(1) Reach out to other clubs and brainstorm options for challenges/fundraisers;
(2) Pick a cause that aligns with your shared interests;
(3) Set a goal and assemble a team;
(4) Share. Share. Share. Facebook & LinkedIn are your friends;
Consider running an event with admission going to charity e.g. STEMMx